
Artistic approach to helioseismic holography.

“Helioseismic holography is an imaging technique used to study heterogeneities and flows in the solar interior from observations of solar oscillations at the surface. Holographic images contain noise due to the stochastic nature of solar oscillations.” A&A Volume 620, December 2018, Article A136

visual and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic 

Berlin, 2022

"Through the exploration of audiovisual outputs, we aim to bring a fresh approach to sound design, audiovisual research, and installation work."

METI 0-1 // [AV composition VI]
Length: 2:00 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + sound
Year: 2021
Artistic vision of SETI & METI – (Active Search and messaging for and to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is the attempt to search send messages to intelligent extraterrestrial life. The science known as SETI (Active Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) deals with searching for messages from aliens. METI (Messaging to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) deals with the creation and transmission of messages to aliens. In the paper Rationale for METI, transmission of the information into the Cosmos is treated as one of the pressing needs of an advanced civilization…” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_… 
recorded live in Berlin / Germany, 2020
produced by Pitch Shifting
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic
METI 0-2 // [AV composition VII]
Length: 1:05 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + sound
Year: 2021
Artistic vision of SETI & METI – (Active Search and messaging for and to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) is the attempt to search send messages to intelligent extraterrestrial life. The science known as SETI (Active Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) deals with searching for messages from aliens. METI (Messaging to Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence) deals with the creation and transmission of messages to aliens. In the paper Rationale for METI, transmission of the information into the Cosmos is treated as one of the pressing needs of an advanced civilization…” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_… 
recorded live in Berlin / Germany, 2020
produced by Pitch Shifting
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic
Hyksos Talks
Length: 1:41 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + sound
Year: 2022
Inspired by ancient Egypt, a bygone human history that could only be speculated about. What would happen if we imagined the talk of Hyksos visually and musically as if there is no time and space? What if the past and the future lie at the same point?
“The Hyksos period marks the first in which Egypt was ruled by foreign rulers. Many details of their rule, such as the true extent of their kingdom and even the names and order of their kings, remain uncertain. They have been credited with introducing several technological innovations to Egypt.” (Wikipedia)
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic
tMspcshiFt // (AV composition V)
Length: 2:57 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + sound
Year: 2020
Inspired by a scientists attempting to open a portal to a multiple universes in 2019.

Time travel can result in multiple universes if a time traveller can change the past. In one interpretation, alternative histories as a result of time travel are not parallel universes: while multiple parallel universes can co-exist simultaneously, only one history or alternative history can exist at any one moment, as alternative history usually involves, in essence, overriding the original timeline with a new one. As a result, travel between alternative histories is not possible without reverting the timeline back to the original.

produced by Pitch Shifting
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic

pre√~µ // (AV composition 0)

Length: 0:40 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + live performance sound
Year: 2019

‘Holodeck Area 4-J” Inspired by a Holodeck, n. A room-sized chamber that creates a complete holographic environment; 1987 Encounter at Farpoint (“Star Trek” script) (May 22) 65: Lieutenant Commander Data… now located in Holodeck area 4-J. (Brave New Words). The holodeck made its first Star Trek appearance not in the animated series that was on from 1973-74. 

Live performance sound: Grgur Savic a.sax, Richard Scott – modular synthesizers, Samuel Hall – drums, objects, preparations 

recorded live @ Sowieso – Berlin, 2019
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic

(AV Rework II), Na-TraJa201EXp’

Length: 2:19 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + live performance sound
Year: 2019

Expansion of time [2] – what we percive as rhythm from a certain perspective, is percieved at a faster time of perception as pitch, with its melodic implications. You can build melodies by changing the basic periodicity, making it faster or slower for the sound to go up or down in pitch respectievly. Within the basic period which determines the fundamental pitch, there are what I call partials, which are subdivisions of the basic periodicity, and they are represented here by the inner division making up the original rhythm.
When I look up at the sky and see the stars against a dark sky and imagine that my body is not solid as it appears, but, is full of “twinkling” atoms, buzzing around dancing in the vast empty space inside and outside of me, I am Nataraja the dancer. My body is not separate from all that is outside it. It only seems so to my senses. I am entrained with everything around me in a cosmic dance. The ups and downs in my life are just the high and low notes of the song that I was born to dance to.

Live performance sound: Grgur Savic – reeds, Richard Scott – modular synthesizers Samuel Hall – drums, objects, preparations

recorded live @ Sowieso – Berlin, 2019
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic

(AV Rework I), Ex-ct4

Length: 0:55 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + live performance sound
Year: 2019

Expansion of time [1] – what we percive as rhythm from a certain perspective, is percieved at a faster time of perception as pitch, with its melodic implications. You can build melodies by changing the basic periodicity, making it faster or slower for the sound to go up or down in pitch respectievly. Within the basic period which determines the fundamental pitch, there are what I call partials, which are subdivisions of the basic periodicity, and they are represented here by the inner division making up the original rhythm.
When I look up at the sky and see the stars against a dark sky and imagine that my body is not solid as it appears, but, is full of “twinkling” atoms, buzzing around dancing in the vast empty space inside and outside of me, I am Nataraja the dancer. My body is not separate from all that is outside it. It only seems so to my senses. I am entrained with everything around me in a cosmic dance. The ups and downs in my life are just the high and low notes of the song that I was born to dance to.

Live performance sound: Grgur Savic – reeds, Richard Scott – modular synthesizers Samuel Hall – drums, objects, preparations

recorded live @ Sowieso Berlin – Germany, 2019 
produced by Pitch Shifting
visuals and video by Sanja Star
audio edit by Grgur Savic

CatIII ILS // (AV compositions I)
Length: 3:33 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + sound
Year: 2020
Inspired by ILS also known as “Instrument Landing System” which assists the plane pilots to land in intense fog conditions or zero visibility. ILS system operates as a ground-based instrument approach system that provides precision lateral and vertical guidance to an aircraft approaching and landing on a runway, using a combination of radio signals and, in many cases, high-intensity lighting arrays to enable a safe landing during instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), such as low ceilings or reduced visibility due to fog, rain, or blowing snow.
recorded live in Berlin – Germany, 2020
produced by Pitch Shifting
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic
FRB-07 // (AV composition III)
Length: 4:11 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + sound
Year: 2020
Artistic take on FRB (Fast Radio Burst). Except coming from a rapidly rotating celestial body, like a magnetar or quasar it’s believed also that fast radio bursts could be of extraterrestrial origin. Originally, the bursts were thought to be the product of a massive, one-time cosmic event like the formation of a black hole from the collision of two neutron stars, but the recurrence of the bursts over the years negates that theory. Other theories have posited that it could be the result of matter being sucked into a black hole, but it seems like with all of our research on black holes, we would have experienced this phenomenon before, having trained telescopes on areas where black holes have been found. And while most scientific stalwarts have rejected the ETI hypothesis, there hasn’t yet been a solid practical explanation. The first FRB (Fast Radio Burst) was discovered in 2007. In recent years, new telescopes and greater interest have seen a motherlode of FRB’s discovered. In 2019, the CHIME collaboration discovered a new set of eight repeating bursts for follow-up analysis. It’s hoped by studying the repeating bursts, astronomers will be able to shed light on these mysterious signals. 
recorded live in Berlin – Germany, 2020
produced by Pitch Shifting
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic
presented at the festival: 2020 BOND International Virtual Live Performance Festival (New York/China)
NANITE // (AV composition II)
Length: 1:34 min.
Medium: mixed media, experimental video + sound
Year: 2020

A molecular machine, NANITE, or nanomachine is a molecular component that produces quasi-mechanical movements (output) in response to specific stimuli (input). In biology, macromolecular machines frequently perform tasks essential for life such as DNA replication and ATP synthesis. The expression is often more generally applied to molecules that simply mimic functions that occur at the macroscopic level. In the Star Trek franchise the Borg are cybernetic organisms, linked in a hive mind called “the Collective”. The Borg co-opt the technology and knowledge of other alien species to the Collective through the process of “assimilation”: forcibly transforming individual beings into “drones” by injecting nanoprobes into their bodies and surgically augmenting them with cybernetic components.

recorded live in Berlin – Germany, 2020
produced by Pitch Shifting
visuals and video by Sanja Star
music by Grgur Savic